Mann schreibt mit Stift Notiz in Notizblock


Daniel und Patrick in einer gemeinsamen Strategischen Besprechung vor dem Laptop im Meetingraum der Agentur

About us

Design und Development in einer strategischen Besprechung in der Agentur

Let's meet

Webdevelopment am Bildschirm mit Programmiersprache

Web Development & UX Design

Mit einem Stift wird ein neues Strategisches Konzept auf das Flipchart übertragen

Online Marketing & Branding

up to future, dreicraft, dryven und thynkAI als zusammenarbeitende Gruppe hochspezialisierter Teams

Our dryven family

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Website-relaunch and internal platform


With its residential, cultural and social spaces, the Sargfabrik is a meeting place for people of all ages and backgrounds. A lively urban residential project with cultural and political aspirations is emerging from a social experiment.

  • Lead Development: Daniel Huber

  • Project Management: Patrick Kofler

  • Webdevelopment

The Sargfarbik website and password-protected platform were outdated in terms of operation and technical implementation. Extensibility was limited and they were not optimized for mobile devices.

The goals for the redevelopment of both the external website and the password-protected platform of Sargfabrik were clear: Robust, flexible, performant, easily expandable, easy to use and also optimized for mobile devices.

Content Management System

Statamic was used as a common CMS (= Content Management System) for both the website and the password-protected platform in order to achieve a uniform operation and to be able to exchange content between the two channels. The website now features easy editing and expandability due to the modular structure in the CMS.


An event calendar was implemented that can be maintained intuitively and has some functions created especially for the Sargfabrik, e.g.:

  • Events are automatically moved to the event archive once the event date has passed.

  • The information of the events entered in the CMS can be integrated into the Sargfabrik newsletters using a custom-developed tool (e.g. title, image, short description, YouTube link, ...). In the CMS, you can also choose from different event layouts for these newsletters and mail templates.

Password protected platform

Several roles have been created for the password-protected platform, whose permissions can be granularly customized by the Sargfabrik team.

Users of the platform can create appointments, edit pages etc. directly in the frontend (without having to switch to the admin-interface of the CMS). Furthermore, a file explorer for the files shared between the users was integrated, which can be accessed via the platform.

The platform is also implemented in responsive design, so that files or other information can be accessed, created and edited on the go.