Mann schreibt mit Stift Notiz in Notizblock


Daniel und Patrick in einer gemeinsamen Strategischen Besprechung vor dem Laptop im Meetingraum der Agentur

About us

Design und Development in einer strategischen Besprechung in der Agentur

Let's meet

Webdevelopment am Bildschirm mit Programmiersprache

Digital Product Design & Web Development

Mit einem Stift wird ein neues Strategisches Konzept auf das Flipchart übertragen

Digital Transformation & Automation

AI-Integration & -Training

🚀 From Zero to AI Hero: Discover the world of Midjourney in our latest webinar!

Branding & Website

Digital Makers Hub

As a platform for networking digital innovators ("digital makers") with traditional small and medium-sized enterprises, the Digital Makers Hub aims to drive digital transformation by leveraging synergies among these stakeholders.

  • Branding & UX Design: Anna Kofler

  • Logo design: Lena Kralicek

  • Development: Daniel Huber

  • Project Management: Patrick Kofler

  • Branding & Design

  • Webdesign & Development

Effectively supporting business in the digital transformation: This is the goal of the Digital Makers Hub platform. Small and medium-sized enterprises in particular are to benefit from this and jointly overcome the technological gap to larger companies. The main focus is on networking digital innovators ("digital makers").

The networking character as well as the idea of collaborative cohesion is also reflected in the logo. The letters of the logo flow into each other and hold together. This conveys a profound idea of partnership: Together we are more, together strengths can be complemented and weaknesses can be eradicated. The technological gap is therefore also symbolically closed in the logo.

In addition to the logo, dryven developed a holistic branding and designed and developed the website of the Digital Makers Hub. Hand-drawn elements as well as warm beige tones, which put the human being in the foreground, who should always be at the center of the advancing digitalization, are combined with clear forms and structures. This interplay also stands for the merging of SMEs and Digital Makers pushed by the Digital Makers Hub.